Monday, July 17, 2006

Women and Science: The Debate Goes On

The following post is a copy of my response to
and .

I don't believe that women, as a whole, are disadvantaged in math and science compared to men. I have had the privilege of knowing, in my short 17 years, quite a few very gifted left-brained women. Both my piano teacher (a professional classical pianist) and my financial advisor are women, and they have outperformed many men in their field.

When anyone tells me that men are more suited to math and science than women, I scoff.

I believe that any difference lies in the form of education that the said girl or boy received when they were younger. Boys and girls are documented as learning differently, and, as such, can excel or fail in a class as a result of the process of education.

Granted, both my high school Algebra teacher and my Chemistry teacher were women, and they were both horrible teachers, but I don’t hold that against the entire female gender. They were simply some of the not-so-great people in the world.

I believe that it depends more on the individual person’s intellectual focus (i.e. left brain v. right brain, math + science vs. language arts) than on the gender of that individual person.

In "The Chronicle of Higher Education," there appears an excellent article going into furthur detail on this topic. Click HERE to check it out.


At 5:58 PM, July 17, 2006, Blogger DrOtter said...

I think you've got it spot on. It all depends on what individuals are like (personality) and what they like to do (arts vs science). It also depends on the way children are brought up. Encourage children to attempt anything and they will reach their full potential no matter what it is. Teachers have so much power over young minds and some of mine were terrible, regardless of gender. But I never experienced anyone telling me I shouldn't do something because I am female.

At 6:45 PM, August 02, 2006, Blogger Zainab I. said...

I am truly impressed by your ideas :)

17-year-old boys in my country don't generally give such intelligent answers to questions like these!


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